Original, I know. But between the radishes and ramps, and only a few of each, I figured it was best to make a quick brine, blanch my veggies, let 'em hang out together and get pickled.
The yes pile...

The no pile.

The brine seems a little salty; I think I added too much. I didn't use a recipe, since these are refrigerator pickles (and therefore, I don't have to worry about food safety as much). But I boiled 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup salt and 1/4 cup sugar. I think I should have reversed the measurements of salt and sugar. Oh well, story of my life.

The radishes came out better than the ramps; for whatever reason, the ramps taste a little starchy, which makes them feel kind of gritty and pasty between your teeth. But I love a quick pickle; I have some cucumbers that I might give the pickling treatment to next.
I hope you're having a great Memorial Day weekend; I'm off camping in Acadia. I hope to have some great grilling recipes to tell you about when I return!