The 2nd annual Backyard Locavore Tour is upon us again! The University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff, Master Gardener volunteers, and Master Food Preserver volunteers are bringing you twelve garden sites full of food preservation and gardening information, plus food samples.

From Freeport to Cape Elizabeth and all the way out to Standish, the 12 garden sites will cover composting, beekeeping, raising chickens, organic gardening, pest management, square food gardening, canning, freezing, drying, and root cellaring. There will be pickles, salsa, jam, herbal vinegars, relish, apple pie filling, and more to taste.
I will be at the East End Community Garden talking about pickling (with dilly beans to sample), so pick up your ticket today- only $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, and kids under 12 free- and start planning your route on this year's Backyard Locavore Tour. The weather is going to be beautiful tomorrow and you won't want to miss this year's DIY gardening and food preservation bonanza.
To purchase tickets, call 207-780-4205 or visit the Cooperative Extension office at 15 Chamberlain Avenue in Portland on the USM Campus.

Thanks to Avery Yale Kamila for a nice write-up in her Natural Foodie column and to Ray Routhier for spotlighting the Cooperative Extension's food preservation programming in last Sunday's Press Herald.