But on the way down, my determined resolved became tinged with anxiety. Would there be a line? (There wasn't.) Would the bakers be mean to me? (They didn't even look at me.) Would I have to wander around awkwardly inspecting 10 cans of tomato paste while I waited for a batch? (No, there were 5 slices waiting on the shelf.) And most importantly, would I get some slab?? (Uh, yes.)
When I came into the back room that is the bakery/cafe area, I saw about 5 slices of slab sitting on the stainless steel shelving. A hand written sign said 'Slab $4.50.' Some early lunchers sat at the small tables cutting up their slabs with a knife and fork. I casually took a slice of slab, and walked up to the register, thinking, 'that's it? I just take one?' And the woman at the register was, as always, very nice to me. It was a little anti-climatic, to say the least.
Except for when I got home and sat down to take that first much-awaited bite of slab. Insert hyperbole here! Angels sang, trumpets played, rainbows squirted across the sky!
Yeah, it's that good. I thought, bready pizza? Ew. But it's like brioche bread. Thick, but crispy out the outside, very tender, not tough at all. Plenty of well-seasoned sauce, flavorful cheese (when often the cheese flavor gets lost on pizza).
So, try the slab at Micucci's, but you probably already know that.